How to Clean Carpets – Best Tips

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Carpets add so much coziness to our houses, but they also need our attention and care. Although you probably won’t need to clean your carpet every day, you definitely need to do so on a regular basis. Regular and correct maintenance can help prolong the life and beauty of your carpet. We’ve prepared a list of the most popular and useful tips on easy and worry-free maintenance. So, here’s what you need to know about cleaning your carpet.


Powerful cleaning agents aren’t something we have to use on our carpets every week. But when it comes to regular vacuuming, it is a basic must. Specialists recommend run a vacuum over your carpet once or twice a week. This can help remove fresh debris and dry dirt that would otherwise have settled deep into the fibers left unattended for a long time.

Vacuuming is also an important first step during your scheduled carpet chemical cleaning. The first common sense step for general cleaning is to remove all furniture. Before you apply anything, make sure to run your vacuum over the surface several times. This will dislodge loose dirt and leave only stubborn stains for chemical treatment. In other words, pre-vacuuming can help speed up cleaning.

Since vacuuming is the most popular and easy way of carpet maintenance, there is a wide range of carpet cleaning machine products that are both affordable and easy to use. So the next time you are looking for a dust-busting dirt machine, think about the one that you will need the most. Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose between:

·         Regular vacuums. One way to clean your carpet is to get a regular dust buster. It is strong enough just to get rid of most of the surface dirt, and depending on the brand, it may also be strong enough to suck up some deep-seated dirt. Everything else that can’t be removed can be done manually by using some special brushes or even just dusting out the carpet by hanging it out on a clothesline and beating the dust out of it. So, for anything that does not need too much work, a regular vacuum will be the best carpet cleaning machine.

·         Upright and stick vacuums with handheld modification. These carpet cleaning machine products are a couple of household favorites for most consumers in America as they are easily used and stored after use. The neat thing about these vacuums is that most brands will offer handheld options that allow you to use devices in other situations behind carpeted floors. Most have strong suction power and are strong enough to actually get rid of any new stain and dirt patch without any extra effort. These should definitely be on your list of carpet cleaning machine options if you are looking for a no-brainer solution to cleaning your rugs.

·         Robot vacuum cleaners. For the last several years, the household robotics has significantly improved suction power, navigation, and filtration of robot vacuum cleaners. The latest flagships can boast of 10X more powerful suction compared to the first models and are perfectly suitable for use on medium and even high-piled carpets. Robots work automatically, need almost zero attention, are controlled remotely, and can be programmed for scheduled cleaning. Thus, if you need a tool for daily maintenance of carpet cleanliness, you will hardly find something handier than robot vacs.

Spot Cleaning

Sometimes spot cleaning is necessary before an entire carpet is cleaned. Old stubborn stains can be removed by applying a regular spot cleaner. You may have to leave the solution on the carpet before running a carpet cleaner over everything. Take note that there are many different chemicals available. Not all of them will be suited to the material of your carpet. Read product instructions and warnings before using a spot cleaner.

Machine Cleaning

It’s not always necessary to learn how to clean carpets with a machine. Every machine has accompanying instructions that will tell you exactly what to do. However, it is important to find out the kinds of cleaning machines available and which will work best for your carpet.

The first type is the steam cleaning machines. If your house is fitted with carpets, then an effective investment to make is a steam vacuum cleaner. While in the past, these tended to be the realm of the professional cleaner, these days, there are many compact steam vacuums on the market at affordable prices.

Steam cleaners can provide a number of unique advantages. While common vacuums loose and lift much of the debris, they typically do not take away allergens and dust, which is lodged deep in the materials. To take out this form of dirt, a steam vacuum is a much better option. They extract dirt through heat and a mixture of water and chemicals sprayed over the surface. Besides, a steam vacuum cleaner will remove virtually all of the dirt, allergens, and dust, and restore the carpet pile to the perfect original condition. 

However, please mind that not all carpet materials are made to withstand the heat! Wool, in particular, may not fare well with steam cleaning. So, check this moment beforehand.

Shampooing machines are also an option. These machines release cleaning agents that are whipped up into foam by a rotating pad or brush. The rubbing motion removes dirt from the surface. Such devices are often applied by professional carpet cleaners and provide extremely efficient, deep pollution elimination. While it does not need to be done every day, using a shampooing machine on a frequent basis can be a successful way to keep your carpet dust-free. Your carpets will look better, your rooms will smell good, and the overall result will be an improvement in your home.

You can also opt for dry cleaning. As the term suggests, no water is involved. A dry mix of chemicals is applied on the surface and left to set in for a few minutes. A dry cleaning machine is then used over the treated area to extract the dirt.

Hiring Carpet Cleaners

There is nothing wrong with wanting to clean your carpet yourself. This is a great way to save cash on cleaning bills. Sometimes though, doing things yourself may not entirely be a good idea. This is especially so if you are too busy to maintain your carpet regularly or if your carpet is too expensive or valuable to trust amateurish cleaning techniques. In these instances, hiring experts would be a better idea.

It’s not too hard learning how to clean carpets. You just have to know which tools and methods apply to your situation. If you can’t handle it yourself, there are always expert outfits that can help you out.


As you see, the modern market offers lots of manual and machine carpet cleaning methods. Whichever option you pick, from solutions to shampooing devices, they all are an excellent addition to your household appliances. With cleaner carpets, you will possess a better home, and this is useful to both you and your family.

Sophie Turner
Home Accessories Tips