House Cleaning Secrets You Probably Need Today

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House Cleaning Secrets Cleaning is not your favorite activity, though it is necessary to avoid being evicted, prevent food poisoning, etc. and live healthily. So often we follow the shortest way that requires the shortest amount of time with the best results for our efforts, isn’t it? Here we make the most common cleaning mistakes you’re probably making and also give the solution to get a bit more organized. Just make some changes to your cleaning steps. Following these professional smart suggestions, you will get the job done more quickly and have more time to enjoy.

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Delay Cleaning

We all know that time and tide wait for none. Though we did not wipe up the jelly that just hit the floor. Yeah, we are busy but think once in a calm mind, that 20 to 30 seconds task can bother us, and appear a huge task, just a few hours later.

It can be spread by your child or even an adult, who knows where the mess is? You know micro bacteria and ant is there to do that mess a bigger one. This little mess can spread all around the floor and harm your health.

So never underestimates any little cleaning task, it is equally important as a big one. If you do that cleaning task immediately, it also reduces your weekly workload. So complete you’re regularly dusting, vacuuming, toilet cleaning, and not forget mopping kitchen floors and doing laundry. Just clean when it appears.

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Not Identify the Right Spot to Clean First

House Cleaning Secrets

If you start cleaning without knowing where to start, then it can be boring and time-wasting as well. Probably you have to clean a place several times. No one wants that! So if you know where to start then it will time saving and enjoyable too.

At first, remove the sensitive or precious items to start heavy cleaning. No need to take time to clean around them, if you get rid of them from the room earlier.

Now, it’s time for real cleaning work. Always dusting the ceiling fan, wiping down cobwebs and furniture. After that start cleaning the floor. The same principle is applicable to cleaning shower walls and doors or windows. Start at the top, working down to tables, chairs, sofas then side like coffee tables or walls, ending with the floor. Never forgets it!

Unable to Choose Right Products

Choosing the right cleaning products reduces risk, and save unnecessary costs in the long run. Naturally, we try to maintain the balance of the three pillars of Cost, Quality, and Results without compromising Quality.

If you fail to choose the correct product as a utility to the cleaning tasks, it means you have leftover dirt. In the end, the task will have to be repeated.

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Do you have to wash clothes only to find stains remain? It means you used the wrong laundry products. A wrong cleaning product can permanently damage your cloth. To avoid that read labels carefully and follows the directions for the best results.

Make sure your scrubbing powder on furniture or stone countertops is safe and damage its surface. Natural or green cleaning products can be quite effective if used correctly, it is strong enough to perform a certain task.

Cleaning products you should never mix according to the American Lung Association:

  • Bleach + ammonia
  • vinegar + Bleach
  • rubbing alcohol +Bleach
  • Drain cleaner + more drain cleaner
  • Hydrogen peroxide + vinegar

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