7 simple ways you can improve indoor air quality

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7 simple ways you can improve indoor air quality

With the advancement of technology, one might think that the quality of life would be improved. On the other hand, since industrial development, the air quality has been suffering continuously and has reached a point where it can be detrimental to health.

Indoor air is even worse when compared to outdoor air and while ventilation has helped restore it, it isn’t possible in centrally-heated buildings.

Vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and unsustainable methods all contribute towards deteriorating air quality, but there are a few simple tweaks you can make to improve indoor air quality significantly.

Why is it Important to Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air can have a number of allergens and harmful substances that can have negative impacts on health. Ranging from allergic flare-ups to asthma, indoor respiratory allergens can trigger a number of conditions that will force you to live a life of compromise.

Sometimes, individuals don’t even know how much they’re suffering and are oblivious of the fact that the usual flu and body aches are due to the bad indoor air quality. The COVID-19 lockdowns and the recent work-from-home settings have forced an average individual to spend as much as 92% of their time indoors, further mandates that attention be given to the air quality indoors.

Here are 7 simple things you can conveniently do that will improve the indoor air quality significantly.

Replace the HVAC/Furnace Filter

Buildings with HVAC systems and furnaces have a filter that needs maintenance every now and then. If you have such a setting in the house and have never replaced it, then replacing the filter must be the first action to reduce indoor air contaminant levels.

Check the AC Filter

Not all spaces have an HVAC system, Air conditioners always have an air filter that must be cleaned regularly. You can vacuum the dirt and dust it off or wash it if yours is a washable type. Not cleaning the AC filter can lead to mold growth and trapping of dangerous microbes like the COVID-19 virus as well.

See Also: portable air conditioner consumer report

AC filters must be cleaned out every month or two.

Clean Your Air Ducts and Chimneys

Another place to look into fixing the levels of contaminants is the air ducts. While they are meant to distribute hot or cold air across your indoor space, they can spread bacteria and other allergens as well if the ducting isn’t clean.

Similarly, chimneys can be one of the dirtiest spaces in a home and must be cleaned out regularly. This doesn’t mean chimneys are bad, instead, they must be used whenever possible to ensure that cooking fumes and flue air do not affect the rest of the house.

You can also hire professional cleaning services to clean out filters and air ducts.

Vacuum Upholstery and  Carpets

Carpets and rugs are the favorite places for dust, dust mites, microbes, and other allergens. All upholstery and carpets must be cleaned out regularly to ensure that the indoor air is free from irritants.

If you face a sneezing problem when you enter your home or feel light-headedness that can be linked to bad air quality and if you have carpets or rugs around, then cleaning them is a good place to start fixing it.

Keep Humidity Levels in Check

High humidity and warmer temperatures are a recipe for disaster. These conditions help bacteria and mold grow and can lead to allergic flare-ups and can make asthma symptoms more aggressive. Humid and moist conditions breed mold and mildew that can trigger respiratory issues like allergies and asthma.

If the humidity levels are too high and cannot be controlled naturally then a dehumidifier is an excellent choice to keep indoor air in optimum condition.

Use Ventilation and Indoor Plants When Possible

Plants are natural air purifiers that filter the air and can help maintain optimal air quality. That is the reason we can feel fresher air when we visit parks and spaces with ample greenery. Indoor plants can help change the ambiance and pull contaminants out of the air efficiently without any harmful effects.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Air purifiers are excellent against airborne contaminants and can also remove odors from your indoor space efficiently. If ventilation and other options don’t seem viable, then investing in an air purifier is the best choice and can yield excellent results immediately.


Indoor Air Quality is of undeniable importance these days, particularly for people suffering from asthma or who have certain allergies. You can use small tweaks to improve air quality and to get rid of common allergens and allow fresh air into your indoor space. If ventilation isn’t possible then investing in a good air purifier is the best option.

Sophie Turner
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